Parents and carers

Guiding you to support your loved one

If you have a child or loved one that's currently on their recovery journey, you have come to the right place. We understand that being on the sidelines of someone recovering can at times feel helpless — you might be unsure of what to do or what to say. That's why we're here to help you.

‍Through our coaching, we will equip you with the guidance and tools to support your loved one and their unique needs outside of the help they're getting from their treatment teams, or coaches like us. You know them best, and we can help you leverage that love and understanding to support them through the recovery process.

Remember: it's okay if you don't have all of the answers. We can help you find them.

How we'll work together

We offer a parents & carers coaching package to guide you on how you can best support your loved one. Get in touch with our friendly team to book in your initial consultation and we'll begin the process together.

‍It's important to keep in mind that everyone's journey is unique, and we understand that having a child or loved one with an eating disorder can be challenging. While we can provide you with the tools and guidance you need to help your loved one, it's important to understand that we cannot force anyone into treatment or coaching without their willingness, as much as you want them to get help. However, we can support you in whatever stage they may be at in their journey, so you can feel confident to be there for them every step of the way.

Our services for parents and carers

Parents and carers coaching

For the parents and carers of loved ones who are in the process of recovery and are looking to build skills to best support them in their time of need.

Learn more >

Ready to support your loved one?